Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Pop Culture Event? Really?

Every year, Wizard World comes to Chicago. Wizard World, otherwise known as the Comic-Con, otherwise known as the most exciting three day event for nerds and geeks everywhere.

I am unashamed to say I have gone a bunch of times. I buy independent art, and comics. I'd try to win free stuff by answering trivia. I once bought a pair of panties that look like an old school Nintendo controller. They were my favorite pair until the washing machine ate them. People spend months making costumes to wear to the comic-con. I never did that, but I have happily posed for pictures with a few of those guys. I once commissioned an artist to paint me an original picture of Wolverine. I am a big fan of geeking out for a day or two every year. I also enjoy being the hottest not-fat, yet not-dressed-like-a-whore chick there, but that is besides the point.

Without a doubt, it is a nerd convention.

So imagine my surprise when I hear a radio commercial for "Wizard World! The largest Pop Culture Event in the Midwest!"

Pop Culture Event, huh? Who are you trying to attract, exactly? The Frat boys that spent their lives beating up and ridiculing your bread and butter crowd? Seriously, I know people who save up for months so they can afford to buy a ton of toys and stuff. And when I say "save up" I'm not referring to a few hundred bucks. They blow well over a grand. Sometimes over two grand. They aren't there for a Pop Culture Event. No, No Sir. They're hard earned dollars are there for a good ol' fashioned marathon of geekery and nerdasment.

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