Monday, January 19, 2009

Eeps! PLanes!

We are going to New Jersey this upcoming weekend for my friend Lani's wedding. I am so excited, and I am so happy for her. But...I really really really hate flying. Like freak out because I am convinced we are going to die every time. Plus I am claustrophobic, so that doesn't help matters. I (attempt to) calm myself before the flight (and all throughout) by crocheting.

But now you can't bring knitting needles or crochet hooks on planes.

What am I going to do?!?!?!

Troy suggested I buy a plastic hook and carry it in my pocket through security. I'm pretty sure if I get caught I'll be subjected to a full cavity search. But I'm thinking about it regardless.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Like an episode of 'House'

I had a painful visit to the doctor this morning. Got to see the inside of my bladder, which wasn't nearly as exciting as I thought It would be. I'd go into more detail, but no one really wants that.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Note to self


If you are craving Beef Fried Rice, go ahead and eat it. Just remember that because of your IC, it is going to cause you severe stomach pain if you eat the whole portion.

That is all.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Yay Parties

Got two hours of sleep. Didn't go to bed until 10am. stomach is killing me. It was a great party.

Happy New Years Everyone!