Saturday, February 28, 2009


Going to see Flight Of The Concords in April! OMG OMG OMG I'm so excited!!

I am constantly amused by customers

I had a customer contact be through our website. She lives in Denver and had a friend buy her three shirts at the end of LAST SUMMER. She hung on to them for a few months thinking her friend might bring them back, and then she mailed them back to us. But she did so after we moved, so it was sent back to her. She tells me this long story about how she has now spent $12 in shipping and still has three shirts she can't wear, bla bla bla.

So I ask her if she spoke to someone at the store before she sent back the items and her response was, "I can’t remember……….." Which to me, means 'No'. She held onto these items for over 6 months, probably forgot she had them, and then tried sending them back when she found them.

So I sent her a message back basically saying that our return policy is clearly stated on our website (and on our receipts, which she had because she said she sent it along with the shirts) and she is well past the return period. So there isn't anything we can do for her anymore. Or, you know, there isn't anything we are willing to do for her. Why in the hell does she think that I'm going to take back shirts she has had for over six months? It is like people just don't understand how stuff works. Also, I'm highly amused by the fact that she tried making me feel bad that she spent $12 in shipping to send it back, when she never should have in the first place.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I've been fighting a cold all winter and it finally hit me. Ugh.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


My dad is in the hospital. I know he is going to be alright, but it is always nerve wracking. He has an infection and had to be taken to the ER last night in an ambulance because he couldn't get up. His fever was up to 103 when he got to the hospital, but when Mike and I were there this afternoon, it was back to normal. Which meant my dad got a little ornery because he wanted to go home, but the doctors wanted him to stay. They think he got an infection at the catheter site where he gets dialysis. So they went in after we left to take it out. They will let that heal for a day and then put in a new one on Friday.
I'm so glad Mike is on vacation so he could come with me. We spent the entire day together running around to my parents house to pick up stuff for my dad, and then to the hospital, and then to my store to pick up the printer and a few other things and then to Sam's Club, and back to my store to pick up my phone I left there by accident, and then home. Oh but then we realized we had to go to Best Buy for a few things so out we went again. In the snow. Today was by no means a pleasant day. But having Mike along with me made it so much better.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I'm gonna be a star

Guess who might be on TV?

Keith told me something last night about our band being asked to play on a Channel 11 show.

Upside? They approached us about it. Downside? Apparently the studio isn't big enough for a drum set.

As I get more details I'll share em.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

So Cute!

I was playing monkey in the middle with my niece and nephew tonight. I was in the middle and every time I "missed" the ball, Aliza would put her arms around me, pet my arm, look at me with a heart breakingly cute/sad face and say, "I'm sorry you did not get the ball, monkey." Every time. She is so cute I can hardly stand it.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Witness This

I just had two jehovah's witnesses knock on my door. I've never had that happen before and I was totally thrown off. I thanked them for their time and told them I wasn't interested. I felt like an ass though because as soon as I opened the door and saw them I couldn't stop thinking about the movie Orgasmo, and was holding back laughter.
After I said I wasn't interested they asked if they could offer me any other services. Which, I'm a little confused on. I wanted to ask what they meant, but didn't really want to encourage them to talk more.

Cease fire my ass

"Gaza terrorists continued their rocket attacks on the western Negev on Sunday with an early-morning attack on a Gaza Belt kibbutz, and another, longer-range missile attack aimed at the coastal city of Ashkelon in the mid-afternoon.

A Grad rocket exploded shortly after 2:00 p.m. on the southern outskirts of the Mediterranean city, landing in an open area. No one was physically injured and no damage was reported.

But Western Negev residents had already been roused first thing Sunday morning by the now-almost-daily blare of the Color Red rocket siren warning of an attack by Gaza terrorists.

The warning, which came at 6:30 a.m., was followed within seconds by a Kassam rocket explosion in the parking lot of a kibbutz located in the Sha'ar HaNegev region near Sderot.

No one was physically injured in the attack. However, several cars were set afire and badly damaged.

Gaza terrorists had also fired two rockets at the western Negev on Friday. One landed near a kibbutz in the Sha'ar HaNegev region, and the second exploded in an area on the southern outskirts of the coastal city of Ashkelon." - Arutz 7

UN Suspends Aid to Gaza

"The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) announced Friday it will suspend its humanitarian aid to Gaza until further notice due to a Hamas raid on the agency's distribution center and a subsequent attack on an aid convoy.

Hamas police attacked a convoy of trucks carrying humanitarian aid supplies from the agency's warehouse in Israel to its distribution center in Gaza on Thursday, stealing 200 tons of food, according to IDF Major Peter Lerner, spokesman for Israel's Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT).

The terrorist force also held up the UNRWA distribution store at Beach Camp in Gaza on Tuesday, stealing 3,500 blankets and 406 tons of food parcels intended for 500 impoverished families in the region. The raid was carried out after UNRWA staff had earlier refused to hand over the supplies to the Hamas-run Ministry of Social Affairs, according to the agency's Jerusalem-based spokesman, Chris Gunness.

Lerner confirmed the report that UNRWA had decided to suspend its aid to the region till further notice due to the thefts, both of which were carried out at gunpoint.

This is not the first time that Hamas terrorists have stolen humanitarian aid supplies meant for the poor in Gaza, according to the IDF. However, it was the first time they had looted from UNRWA, according to Gunness, who expressed the agency's disappointment with the group's actions.

UNRWA runs 221 schools and dozens of medical clinics in Gaza; the agency also distributes food packages and quarterly cash stipends to thousands of impoverished families throughout the region." - Arutz7