Sunday, June 1, 2008

Mike's mom was wrong! We are still married!

Two days from now will be our one year anniversary! Yay! We had a great party last night to celebrate. Yeah, we are those people. The ones who make their family and friends share in their constant happiness all the time. I'm pretty sure we are still doing something just the two of us on Tuesday, but that party was really great. I actually had a conversation with Mike's business partner, which would be the first one we've ever had. Debbie nicely nailed Amber on not actually being a vegan since she eats dairy and wears leather. Leah's future husband showed his general ignorance for life and what makes a decent human being and used the N-word a bunch of times. He also argued that Puerto Ricans are not Americans and that they are taking our jobs (yeah, he really said that.) Unfortunately for him he fails to realize that if "those people" are "stealing" his jobs, then he sucks at life, because he is 30 something and washes dishes, and deserves competition for that job. He later said he can't be a racist because he is marrying a kike. He is a winner. He is also lucky I wasn't in the room when he said all of those things or he would have gotten kicked in the junk and then kicked out of my house. But Leah got to me first and begged me not to do anything. Did I mention they are getting married July 4th? Once again, not many of Mike's friends came. I'm truly confused by them. 90% of them have known him since they were little kids, but they don't make the effort to maintain the friendship. It's dicky. That is not to say that no one came. Josh was out of town, and Steve had some thing today. But Kyle, Dink, Darrin, Q, and nameless city guy with a dog named 'Scout' (AKA Herpes) came. We had a wall pin-up Flamingo that looks like it is giving birth (HOT!) and a ton of other rad-tastic decorations. People who hadn't been over before were amazed by two things. 1)The hugeness of our apartment. 2)The amount of alcohol we have in the house at all times. And I didn't put out any of the wine or champagne. Oh, it was Luau themed which is why we had all the decorations. Joe made a stellar short that was a take on those Most Interesting Man In The World commercials, but it was about me and Mike as the Most Interesting Couple In The World. And he brought the video of New Years 06' where mike is on camera telling the exact way he was planning on proposing. I can't believe a bunch of people heard him and didn't tell me. Not that I am complaining of course. I am just impressed that they kept their mouths shut. After the bulk of the people left a bunch of us sat around drunkenly talking about comic books and watching Top Gear. It was really great.

It is blowing my mind that we've been married a year. So much has happened. All the insanity with his mom that took too much of our time and emotions. I get that she is actually insane. And I get that I will never have the mother-in-law I always assumed I'd have. It is just a shame that on top of her real mental issues, she is mean and spiteful and manipulative and selfish and self serving. She put Mike and his siblings (and the rest of the family) through hell their whole lives. Thank god Mike is done with her and I don't have to kill her for continually hurting him in the future. We've also been dealing with some strange health issues on my end that has been pretty stressful. I'm going to go into the long and annoying details, but the doctor isn't quite sure what is wrong with me, and my insurance sucks. Unsure doctors + bad insurance = lots of painful medical bills. Plus we are constantly dealing with the stress of both of us owning our own companies. Sure it sounds great, but the work is immeasurable, and when you are the owner, you are the last person to get paid. So yeah, our mutual stress level is pretty high. But we are good about not taking it out on each other.

So, not having anything to do with my marriage... I had an article written about me in Oy Chicago Magazine. I thought it was going to be about my store, but no, it was about me. Which is fine. I'm not clamoring for fame, and feel weird about the attention quite honestly. But if it helps the store, then I will give all the interviews magazines want. Unless Jugs comes a-knocking. I might have to turn them down. But yay, this makes two articles in two different publications! Does using the word Publications sound pretentious?

All in all things are good. I'm going to be gross and gooey and say that I love Mike more and more everyday, and he makes me happier than I ever thought possible. I feel amazingly lucky to be married to such a funny, moral, smart, caring, strong person. And everything we've had to deal with has been worth it because it means I get to wake up to him every morning.

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