Wednesday, May 2, 2007

I'm one step away from a trailer in Alabama

Have you ever had a family member hit on you? It's quite disturbing.

A distant cousin just stopped in the store. We haven't seen each other in years. He is distant enough that he doesn't get invited to my family things. He is distant enough that we looked at each other and said, "Wait, aren't we related?" He is somehow related to my maternal grandmother. I should also point out, that he is at least 15 years my senior. With hideously yellow teeth (does that make me shallow? It's OK if it does. I'm just curious.)

He stood here for OVER AN HOUR talking to me about the most inane stuff. I tried to kindly get him to leave. I tried the "It's been great catching up but I have work to do." "I should get back to work so I'm not here all night." "Wow, it is almost 5? I should get back to work. There is so much to be done!" But the man would NOT take the hint. I finally put both hands (palm down) on the counter and said, "Alright. I am kicking you out now. It is 5:17 and I have a lot of work to get done." It still took him another five minutes to leave.

The whole time I kept getting the creepies that he was hitting on me. But he couldn't be, right? Because we are related? Oooooh but yes. When he was leaving he said, "It's too bad you are getting married..." To which I replied "Too bad for you. I'm damn happy about it." and then added "And we are related" He then reminded me that we are distantly related. I told him it is still pretty sick.

So yeah... I'm creeped out by my own sicko family. Nice.

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