Thursday, November 20, 2008

I don't need medication to give me vivid dreams

I've always been prone to very strange and vivid dreams. And I usually remember them when I wake up. Once in grade school, I was mad at my friend Dafna for a week because I had a dream about her chasing me around school and stabbing me. I once dated a guy who was convinced I should write my dreams down because a lot of them would make good scary movies. Last night I had two versions of the same dream, from two different perspectives. It was about a bomb going off in my neighborhood. By the beach. It was very movie-eske, with a big fight/struggle scene right before the bomb was activated. In the first dream, I knew the bomb was going to go off. I saw the beginning of the fight, and then took off to try to get to a safe place because I knew the bomb would go off if the one side lost the fight. After it did, the air was poison, so I had to get down by the water because the ground is lower there, and there was still some fresh air. Then things continued on from there with me and survivors just trying to survive. In the second dream, I was part of the family that was trying to keep the bomb from going off. Except I didn't actually know who i could trust. Because I knew there was someone in our group who was working with the other side. And once the fight started it was hard to keep track of who was doing what. We knew, that the bomb was going to go off no matter what. We were fighting to do two things. 1) To delay as much as possible to give everyone else the time to get away before the bomb went off. 2) To make sure the people responsible didn't get away in the confusion after the bomb went off. We were as successful as we could have hoped for. And right before the bomb went off we were whisked off to a mountain top a fair distance away where we watched everything go down. It wasn't the weirdest dream I've ever had, but it is the first one where I actually had two different dreams. Where I woke up from one, and then fell back to sleep and had the same dream from another perspective. It was pretty cool, and I can't say I'd mind if I had dreams like that more often.

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