Tuesday, May 19, 2009


1: the final event of the dramatic action especially of a tragedy

2: a momentous tragic event ranging from extreme misfortune to utter overthrow or ruin

3 a: a violent and sudden change in a feature of the earth b: a violent usually destructive natural event (as a supernova)

4: utter failure : fiasco

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Today is a day just like any day

Mike and I have been on the most insane schedule lately. We stay up very late, and then sleep late. It is completely screwing me up. I feel completely unmotivated, which is NOT GOOD. Especially considering the sheer number of business I have to keep up with. Kayla's Blessing is doing alright, but it is my biggest constant source of frustration. But, it is also my biggest business, so I suppose that makes sense. TGON is stagnant. There are things to be done, but I need help. Which brings me to the issue that my partner hasn't rea;;y done anything yet. She came over and we talked about things, wrote up a partner agreement, made decisions... But since then I haven't heard anything from her about TGON. I was giving her space for a while because she said she was overwhelmed. But that was months ago, and I'm wondering if she even wants to do this anymore. I know I just need to talk to her about it. And I will... BeadNeed is going well. We had our first sale a few weeks ago and the customer gave us a GLOWING feedback. YAY! I have tons more beads and charms and pendents to post, but it gets a little expensive. :) So I'm pacing myself.

My screen printing class was GREAT! Aside from the fact that I was super SICK and felt like I was going to pass out/throw up the whole time. But the class itself was fantastic. I love the shirts I came home with. I just wish I had brought some men's t-shirts with me so Mike could have some. But I still have the screen that has the "Hello, my name is: Schminor-Minor" and the "Hello, my name is: Snoodles" so all I need is some fabric paint, and a scooper-squeegie thing.

This weekend is Matt's community garage sale/BBQ so we'll be hanging in A-Town for a few days. I'm looking forward to going, but why must I ALWAYS have my period when we go out there? It is like a curse.

The band is progressing. We've been in the studio off and on since April. Virtually everything is recorded. Just a few more vocals need to be done, and then it all gets mixed/mastered and then POOF! We have a demo. Who is excited?? I am!

Our next show is May 22. We performing with a burlesque group called VarieTease. It will be an interesting show for a few reasons. First off, we are basically the house band for a burlesque show. Second, we are playing two 15 minute sets, as opposed to one half hour set. Third, Karla will not be there. So I'm going to attempt to sing her parts. Keith is coming over tomorrow and we will be practicing our vocals together. Some things will need to be reworked. I am no Karla. I do not have her range. Or her powerhouse voice. But I love our songs, and I love what I'm doing, so I'm sure it will be alright!

And tonight's plan, is to knock out a few new necklaces. So I'm going to go do that!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Bored bored bored bored bored bored.