Friday, April 24, 2009

Screen Printing

I'm taking a screen printing class Sunday and I'm so excited for it!! It is four hours (I know. Really long.) from 2-6 in the city. Argh! So excited! So many exciting things this week! Nicole's birthday, screen printing and then Flight Of The Concords!!

I have to bring 4 black and white images to class. Also they can't be printed on an inkjet which is what I have. So I'll have to find a laser printer or go to kinkos and use a photocopier.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I'm not crying, my eyes are sweaty

I just remembered why I stopped watching Grey's Anatomy. Fucking terminally ill children sub plots.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Mike and I are considering changing our last name into Schminor. We'd also have to keep Minor though. Schminor-Minor?

I like it. Honestly. I think it is hilarious. Our kids, probably won't think it is so hilarious when they are getting beat up in school because we named them Shmuel Schminor-Minor and Shlomo Schminor-Minor.

Oh man, I can't stop laughing at this. I'm going to ask my parents if they would be alright with it. Because if they are, we are totally going to do it.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Crap, I need to rework the outfits I had planned to bring to my parent's house for the first days of Passover. I want it to be warmer!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Passover cleaning

I shouldn't complain because I get off so easy this time of year. Most Jews are slaving away cleaning their houses from top to bottom. The most horrendous part to clean for Passover is always the kitchen. And I don't have to do that part because I eat at my parent's house. But today I'm going to my mom's to help her with her kitchen and I'm less than excited about it.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Had a nice walk to the post office. Met a dog named Walter, and a man who was skipping down the street singing and yelling. Good times.
We had a great show at Elbo Room tonight! It was packed and we had a great time! Thank you to everyone who came!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My cat is soaking wet. Do cats get that yucky musty smell like wet dogs do?
You know what's not fun about doing laundry? Everything. Unfortunately, if i don't do it now I might not have anything to wear tomorrow.