Friday, November 20, 2009

Fyi: telling me the part you need is "plastic and somewhere by the engine" is not helpful. Not even slightly.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


For the second time in two days, a bug just flew up my nose. FML.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A phone conversation I could have lived without

My friend Joshua sent me an email today asking about his ex. We had lost touch of each other and hadn't spoken in about a year or so. His ex passed away from cancer around Thanksgiving time. Joshua didn't know. I had to call him tonight to tell him. I'm still feeling a little shaky.


I bought a bike from an awesome lady last night (Thanks Jame!) Rode it about a half a block to confirm I wouldn't immediately face-plant, since the last time I rode a bike I was 14. Did not fall. I'm a little wobbly, and I forgot how to modestly get OFF a bike. But I'll figure it all out.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Stephane Rolland

My new favorite designer is Stephane Rolland. I came across his work for the first time today, and man is it inspiring! I'm currently in the middle of watching his Couture Spring/Summer 2009 collection and it is amazing. The amount of detail that goes into every piece is insane. I think my favorite thing about this collection is how intricacy meets minimalism. He only uses black, white, gray and red, and only one color per garment. Most of the lines are direct and simple. At least that is how they look from far away. But then from up close the garment simply explodes with fine details.

You can watch the show at his site: It is like an explosion of goodies for your eyes!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

But, but, but... NOOOOOO *sob*

Mike got a call this morning from a recruiter. Offering him a six week job in New York.

He wanted to take it immediately. I wanted him to turn it down immediately. Six weeks is too long. And I know how these projects go. They never take the time they say. So six weeks will really be more like 2 months. BOOOOO.

I obviously have deep rooted abandonment issues stemming from the job my dad had when we were kids. And I always swore I'd never marry a guy who traveled for work. But the money is really good, and we'd be nuts to turn it down. At least that is his logic. I don't think it is enough money to make that time apart worth it. We spend nearly every second together and I'm still not tired of him. Buuut, I also know I can't stop him from taking it. I mean, I COULD, but it wouldn't be fair. He really wants to go. It will open more doors for him, and he'll get so many new contacts. And he has never been to New York as an adult.

So my compromise is this:
1) He is only to take ONE trip a year.
2) That trip may be NO LONGER then 2 months, or I'm coming with him for the entire trip.
3) When we have kids, he can't leave me for that long. no f-ing way.
4) If the trip is 6 weeks, then I'm going to visit him for 1-2 weeks in the middle of his trip. This way we don't have to be separated for nearly as long. Hell, I don't have a 9-5 job keeping me here. I might as well take advantage of that! Plus, I've never been to New York as an adult either. And I have a bunch of very close friends who I'd LOVE to see.

The sucky thing? He might have to be there Monday. As in this upcoming Monday. As in 5 days from now. Thanks for the advance notice! Yeesh. Otherwise he might be going at the end of July. Which will muck up our Vegas plans. (Not break them, just confuse them.)

Joe has graciously offered to help us turn our frowns upside down by driving him to New York. Hence making this a fun road trip journey. I'd go with of course and we could photo/video document it for fun. Heck maybe we could even visit some fun places along the way? Who knows? The road will be our bitch!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I'm Melting...


Friday, June 12, 2009

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck You

oh my gosh I am so frustrated. Torn between calling my lawyer and handling this myself with my baseball bat.

Just a thought

I wonder if I'll be the type of mom who tells her daughter she would be so much prettier with some makeup.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Terminator: Salvation

Mike and I saw Terminator Salvation tonight. My thoughts:

I thought it was great. Really. It was the first time they've gone into the future, and I thought they did a good job.


Honestly, I'm completely alright with letting everything else go. The nuclear blast that should have disintegrated them all? whatever. The heart transplant surgery in the middle of the desert? whatever. The hundred other completely cheesy and implausible and obvious things that happened? Whatever. But that ending really pissed me off. Imagine how much better the next movie would be with Marcus and John running the show together. But nooooo. They had to make a martyr out of him. Lame.

Monday, June 1, 2009


A friend just told me something that prompted me to immediately blurt out, "holy nutfucker on a shit-stick, wow"

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


1: the final event of the dramatic action especially of a tragedy

2: a momentous tragic event ranging from extreme misfortune to utter overthrow or ruin

3 a: a violent and sudden change in a feature of the earth b: a violent usually destructive natural event (as a supernova)

4: utter failure : fiasco

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Today is a day just like any day

Mike and I have been on the most insane schedule lately. We stay up very late, and then sleep late. It is completely screwing me up. I feel completely unmotivated, which is NOT GOOD. Especially considering the sheer number of business I have to keep up with. Kayla's Blessing is doing alright, but it is my biggest constant source of frustration. But, it is also my biggest business, so I suppose that makes sense. TGON is stagnant. There are things to be done, but I need help. Which brings me to the issue that my partner hasn't rea;;y done anything yet. She came over and we talked about things, wrote up a partner agreement, made decisions... But since then I haven't heard anything from her about TGON. I was giving her space for a while because she said she was overwhelmed. But that was months ago, and I'm wondering if she even wants to do this anymore. I know I just need to talk to her about it. And I will... BeadNeed is going well. We had our first sale a few weeks ago and the customer gave us a GLOWING feedback. YAY! I have tons more beads and charms and pendents to post, but it gets a little expensive. :) So I'm pacing myself.

My screen printing class was GREAT! Aside from the fact that I was super SICK and felt like I was going to pass out/throw up the whole time. But the class itself was fantastic. I love the shirts I came home with. I just wish I had brought some men's t-shirts with me so Mike could have some. But I still have the screen that has the "Hello, my name is: Schminor-Minor" and the "Hello, my name is: Snoodles" so all I need is some fabric paint, and a scooper-squeegie thing.

This weekend is Matt's community garage sale/BBQ so we'll be hanging in A-Town for a few days. I'm looking forward to going, but why must I ALWAYS have my period when we go out there? It is like a curse.

The band is progressing. We've been in the studio off and on since April. Virtually everything is recorded. Just a few more vocals need to be done, and then it all gets mixed/mastered and then POOF! We have a demo. Who is excited?? I am!

Our next show is May 22. We performing with a burlesque group called VarieTease. It will be an interesting show for a few reasons. First off, we are basically the house band for a burlesque show. Second, we are playing two 15 minute sets, as opposed to one half hour set. Third, Karla will not be there. So I'm going to attempt to sing her parts. Keith is coming over tomorrow and we will be practicing our vocals together. Some things will need to be reworked. I am no Karla. I do not have her range. Or her powerhouse voice. But I love our songs, and I love what I'm doing, so I'm sure it will be alright!

And tonight's plan, is to knock out a few new necklaces. So I'm going to go do that!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Bored bored bored bored bored bored.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Screen Printing

I'm taking a screen printing class Sunday and I'm so excited for it!! It is four hours (I know. Really long.) from 2-6 in the city. Argh! So excited! So many exciting things this week! Nicole's birthday, screen printing and then Flight Of The Concords!!

I have to bring 4 black and white images to class. Also they can't be printed on an inkjet which is what I have. So I'll have to find a laser printer or go to kinkos and use a photocopier.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I'm not crying, my eyes are sweaty

I just remembered why I stopped watching Grey's Anatomy. Fucking terminally ill children sub plots.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Mike and I are considering changing our last name into Schminor. We'd also have to keep Minor though. Schminor-Minor?

I like it. Honestly. I think it is hilarious. Our kids, probably won't think it is so hilarious when they are getting beat up in school because we named them Shmuel Schminor-Minor and Shlomo Schminor-Minor.

Oh man, I can't stop laughing at this. I'm going to ask my parents if they would be alright with it. Because if they are, we are totally going to do it.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Crap, I need to rework the outfits I had planned to bring to my parent's house for the first days of Passover. I want it to be warmer!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Passover cleaning

I shouldn't complain because I get off so easy this time of year. Most Jews are slaving away cleaning their houses from top to bottom. The most horrendous part to clean for Passover is always the kitchen. And I don't have to do that part because I eat at my parent's house. But today I'm going to my mom's to help her with her kitchen and I'm less than excited about it.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Had a nice walk to the post office. Met a dog named Walter, and a man who was skipping down the street singing and yelling. Good times.
We had a great show at Elbo Room tonight! It was packed and we had a great time! Thank you to everyone who came!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My cat is soaking wet. Do cats get that yucky musty smell like wet dogs do?
You know what's not fun about doing laundry? Everything. Unfortunately, if i don't do it now I might not have anything to wear tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Kind of obsessing over these new earrings I made.

Monday, March 30, 2009

I got an $80 rewards gift certificate from DSW in the mail today. Do you know how many shoes you have to buy to get $80 back?!?

I'm seriously exhausted...

...and yet... I'm not going to bed. Not out of protest or anything. I just don't feel like it yet. This weekend was both awesome and icky, and I'm letting some more awesome happen. Nothing special exactly, just spending time with Mike.

Friday we went to see I Fight Dragons.

Check out their Myspace page. Make sure to scroll down and watch all the videos so you can truly experience the AWESOMENESS that is IFD. It was WITHOUT QUESTION the best show I have seen in my life. And they are a local band. A local band that is about to explode. The show was at Martyrs, which is a pretty good size. They went on first. The place was packed and everyone was screaming and cheering like I've never seen at a local show. Including me, fyi. The show they put on is outstanding, as you can see in the videos. But they also have a screen off to the side that plays some awesome little clips and videos.

After they were done, we all (I was there with Mike, Joe, Keith, Troy and Karla) managed to meet everyone and hang out with them for a while. We went there on the mission to meet them and hang out with them. We also met their publicist (a local band with a publicist? Just one of the many things they are doing right.) Her name is Leah, and it turns she knows Brad Keil. Oh, did I say know him, I meant she actually converted with him!! How freaking nuts is that?!? We ended up hanging out with her all night and it was super fun.

So the crazy thing, is that this was IFD's THIRD show. Their third show and the place was packed. And virtually everyone was there for them. The place emptied out so much after they were done it was ridiculous. I felt bad for the two bands playing after them. I have a sneaking suspicion they won't be opening for anyone else.

Mike and I stayed out until 7:30am. Got home and passed out.

The next day I was a wreck all day. I woke up feeling sick and nauseous but assumed it was from the late night and heavy beverage consumption. I'm still feeling queezy though, so I think I might actually be coming down with something.

Today I met up with Joe. He brought his shop-vac and we got the carpet in the store looking like new. It is crazy you guys, the whole place is empty and it looks so strange. Then we grabbed some breakfast and he went home.

I had 3 hour band practice which went, alright. I was feeling so sick and I kept forgetting my key for a song that I can't forget my key in. Oh well. I eventually remember what I was supposed to be singing, but then something else about it was sounding off. I still haven't been able to figure out what it was but eventually whatever it was righted itself and we sounded good. We have a trumpet player sitting in for the Wednesday show at Elbo Room, and when we go into the studio next weekend. Her name is Kat and her presence means we have an actual horn SECTION. Which is super cool. She and Danny sound SO freaking awesome together it is INSANE. It is a shame she is too busy to join us full time. We also auditioned a guy for the empty base player position. He seemed cool and good. Not exceptional, but he was loads better than Kit after three minutes than she was after six months. So we will see.

I got a blister on my hand, so lets hope it heels before the show Wednesday. Anyone know a good blister remedy?

Oh my gosh, I'm so excited. I'm getting my hair cut on Tuesday. I'm not cutting it short. Just a trim along the bottom, but I'm also getting bangs. Honest to god bangs, not long bangs like I've had in recent history. I really need a change, and this will be less drastic than chopping all my hair off. I don't remember the last time I was so excited to get my hair cut. I might also get a streak or two of black in my hair. We'll see what my wallet and her schedule are like when I get there.
In the middle of watching Taken. Loving it so far. Liam Neeson is awesome. FYI in 2002 there was a miniseries by the same name. If you haven't seen it, rent it!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Blisters on my hands = Great practice. I'm glad Wednesday is 3 days away so they have time to heal before I mess them up again!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Soap in the shape of game system controllers? I think I'm in love.
Totally bummed about missing Jimmy's birthday party tonight, but my tummy says I can't go out. Happy Birthday Jimmy! Love and miss you!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

All my racks are SOLD!! Yay!! Now I just have to get rid of about 1000 hangers...
You're all I need to get by...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Apparently I'm all about breaking expensive things lately. Took a couple pictures and then the camera went from working to evil blue light error.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Had an awesome day with Mike, but now I'm tired and need to go to sleep.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Completely loving my new Google phone!

Julio Inglasias Temple

Our cat likes it when we use the lint roller on him. He is also in the habit of locking himself in the bathroom or closet. Weird = fitting.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

F ix O r R eplace D aily

I had a show tonight at the Red Line Tap in Roger's Park.

I drove down (which was mistake #1) because Troy (our drummer) is in finals this week and shouldn't have been playing a show in the first place so I told him I'd drive him home as soon as we were done with our set so he could study and get good sleep.

There is no parking in Roger's Park (two blocks from Gay Brian's house for those who know the area) after 5pm and people get home from work. I was looking for parking at about 8pm. I drove around for AGES. Finally I called Keith and made him get in my car so I could look further away. The area is shitty and I didn't want to be walking 6 blocks by myself.

He gets in the car and we drive around. We finally manage to find a spot only two blocks away, but it is tiny and I suck at parallel parking. So he offers to park it for me, which he has done several times before. He parks it beautifully. He turns the car off and tries to take the key out of the ignition and...nothing. The key is stuck. WTF? So I get back in the car. Turn it back on, turn the wheels, move up and back a little, turn it back off and... it still won't come out. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. So we keep trying and trying. We get someone from the bar to come out and try to help us. He tries for 45 minutes and gives up. He also called two mechanic friends who didn't know what to do. It is weird because it is like the car doesn't realize the car is in park and therefore won't release the key. You still the wheels and everything.

I ended up missing the show because there was no way I was leaving my car with the key in the ignition. Even with the door locked. Hell no. I know multiple people who had their cars broken into and/or stolen from that area. And I was once almost carjacked coming home from Rocky just a few blocks from where I was parked. I had to drive home.

I'm pissed and frustrated. Especially since I went online with my problem and found HUNDREDS of people's accounts who had the same problem. I know now that this probably won't be the last time this happens, even if I get it replaced because the parts are faulty and Ford refuses to acknowledge a problem and do a recall. So there are all these people who replaced it three or more times and it keeps happening. Also it apparently can start with just this and then eventually you can't turn the car on. Or even get it in the ignition. I've actually noticed the ignition sticking before, but I don't know anything about cars so I didn't know it was a big deal.

So I'm not taking it to my dealer. Fuck them. I hate them so much anyway. I know they will dick me as much as they can because that is what they've done in the past. I'm taking it to a car repair place to see if they can fix it. Then I'm taking it to get it professionally cleaned. Then I'm taking it to Carmax and trading it in for another car. This one won't be American. I've learned my lesson. I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to pay the difference for the new car, but I'll find a way. I've hated this car for a long time now. But at least it was semi reliable. Sure there have been problems, but nothing I couldn't handle. But this is the last straw. I really fucking hate my car and I'm getting a new one.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Going to see Flight Of The Concords in April! OMG OMG OMG I'm so excited!!

I am constantly amused by customers

I had a customer contact be through our website. She lives in Denver and had a friend buy her three shirts at the end of LAST SUMMER. She hung on to them for a few months thinking her friend might bring them back, and then she mailed them back to us. But she did so after we moved, so it was sent back to her. She tells me this long story about how she has now spent $12 in shipping and still has three shirts she can't wear, bla bla bla.

So I ask her if she spoke to someone at the store before she sent back the items and her response was, "I can’t remember……….." Which to me, means 'No'. She held onto these items for over 6 months, probably forgot she had them, and then tried sending them back when she found them.

So I sent her a message back basically saying that our return policy is clearly stated on our website (and on our receipts, which she had because she said she sent it along with the shirts) and she is well past the return period. So there isn't anything we can do for her anymore. Or, you know, there isn't anything we are willing to do for her. Why in the hell does she think that I'm going to take back shirts she has had for over six months? It is like people just don't understand how stuff works. Also, I'm highly amused by the fact that she tried making me feel bad that she spent $12 in shipping to send it back, when she never should have in the first place.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I've been fighting a cold all winter and it finally hit me. Ugh.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


My dad is in the hospital. I know he is going to be alright, but it is always nerve wracking. He has an infection and had to be taken to the ER last night in an ambulance because he couldn't get up. His fever was up to 103 when he got to the hospital, but when Mike and I were there this afternoon, it was back to normal. Which meant my dad got a little ornery because he wanted to go home, but the doctors wanted him to stay. They think he got an infection at the catheter site where he gets dialysis. So they went in after we left to take it out. They will let that heal for a day and then put in a new one on Friday.
I'm so glad Mike is on vacation so he could come with me. We spent the entire day together running around to my parents house to pick up stuff for my dad, and then to the hospital, and then to my store to pick up the printer and a few other things and then to Sam's Club, and back to my store to pick up my phone I left there by accident, and then home. Oh but then we realized we had to go to Best Buy for a few things so out we went again. In the snow. Today was by no means a pleasant day. But having Mike along with me made it so much better.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I'm gonna be a star

Guess who might be on TV?

Keith told me something last night about our band being asked to play on a Channel 11 show.

Upside? They approached us about it. Downside? Apparently the studio isn't big enough for a drum set.

As I get more details I'll share em.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

So Cute!

I was playing monkey in the middle with my niece and nephew tonight. I was in the middle and every time I "missed" the ball, Aliza would put her arms around me, pet my arm, look at me with a heart breakingly cute/sad face and say, "I'm sorry you did not get the ball, monkey." Every time. She is so cute I can hardly stand it.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Witness This

I just had two jehovah's witnesses knock on my door. I've never had that happen before and I was totally thrown off. I thanked them for their time and told them I wasn't interested. I felt like an ass though because as soon as I opened the door and saw them I couldn't stop thinking about the movie Orgasmo, and was holding back laughter.
After I said I wasn't interested they asked if they could offer me any other services. Which, I'm a little confused on. I wanted to ask what they meant, but didn't really want to encourage them to talk more.

Cease fire my ass

"Gaza terrorists continued their rocket attacks on the western Negev on Sunday with an early-morning attack on a Gaza Belt kibbutz, and another, longer-range missile attack aimed at the coastal city of Ashkelon in the mid-afternoon.

A Grad rocket exploded shortly after 2:00 p.m. on the southern outskirts of the Mediterranean city, landing in an open area. No one was physically injured and no damage was reported.

But Western Negev residents had already been roused first thing Sunday morning by the now-almost-daily blare of the Color Red rocket siren warning of an attack by Gaza terrorists.

The warning, which came at 6:30 a.m., was followed within seconds by a Kassam rocket explosion in the parking lot of a kibbutz located in the Sha'ar HaNegev region near Sderot.

No one was physically injured in the attack. However, several cars were set afire and badly damaged.

Gaza terrorists had also fired two rockets at the western Negev on Friday. One landed near a kibbutz in the Sha'ar HaNegev region, and the second exploded in an area on the southern outskirts of the coastal city of Ashkelon." - Arutz 7

UN Suspends Aid to Gaza

"The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) announced Friday it will suspend its humanitarian aid to Gaza until further notice due to a Hamas raid on the agency's distribution center and a subsequent attack on an aid convoy.

Hamas police attacked a convoy of trucks carrying humanitarian aid supplies from the agency's warehouse in Israel to its distribution center in Gaza on Thursday, stealing 200 tons of food, according to IDF Major Peter Lerner, spokesman for Israel's Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT).

The terrorist force also held up the UNRWA distribution store at Beach Camp in Gaza on Tuesday, stealing 3,500 blankets and 406 tons of food parcels intended for 500 impoverished families in the region. The raid was carried out after UNRWA staff had earlier refused to hand over the supplies to the Hamas-run Ministry of Social Affairs, according to the agency's Jerusalem-based spokesman, Chris Gunness.

Lerner confirmed the report that UNRWA had decided to suspend its aid to the region till further notice due to the thefts, both of which were carried out at gunpoint.

This is not the first time that Hamas terrorists have stolen humanitarian aid supplies meant for the poor in Gaza, according to the IDF. However, it was the first time they had looted from UNRWA, according to Gunness, who expressed the agency's disappointment with the group's actions.

UNRWA runs 221 schools and dozens of medical clinics in Gaza; the agency also distributes food packages and quarterly cash stipends to thousands of impoverished families throughout the region." - Arutz7

Monday, January 19, 2009

Eeps! PLanes!

We are going to New Jersey this upcoming weekend for my friend Lani's wedding. I am so excited, and I am so happy for her. But...I really really really hate flying. Like freak out because I am convinced we are going to die every time. Plus I am claustrophobic, so that doesn't help matters. I (attempt to) calm myself before the flight (and all throughout) by crocheting.

But now you can't bring knitting needles or crochet hooks on planes.

What am I going to do?!?!?!

Troy suggested I buy a plastic hook and carry it in my pocket through security. I'm pretty sure if I get caught I'll be subjected to a full cavity search. But I'm thinking about it regardless.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Like an episode of 'House'

I had a painful visit to the doctor this morning. Got to see the inside of my bladder, which wasn't nearly as exciting as I thought It would be. I'd go into more detail, but no one really wants that.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Note to self


If you are craving Beef Fried Rice, go ahead and eat it. Just remember that because of your IC, it is going to cause you severe stomach pain if you eat the whole portion.

That is all.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Yay Parties

Got two hours of sleep. Didn't go to bed until 10am. stomach is killing me. It was a great party.

Happy New Years Everyone!